Homeschool Student Participation Information for Grain Valley High School
1. Non-Traditional students must enroll and attend at least two classes (1.0 credits) each semester. Pursuant MSHSAA By-Law 2.3.4c, these classes must be seat-time classes taken within the school building.
2. Upon initial enrollment the building principal or designee will review past classes, academic history, credits, transcripts, etc. to determine "prior semester" credit earned to determine eligibility status. Students must have completed an equivalent to 3.5 credits (80%) the semester prior to participation.
3. The building principal or designee will review current semester classes enrolled in to approve and validate "outside" courses/credits are sufficient to allow the non-traditional student to meet the 80% rule. Students must be enrolled in 3.5 credits to be eligible. For example: students must be enrolled in 2 classes at GVHS (1.0 credit) AND enrolled in 2.4 "outside" credits that are approved by GVHS.
4. Non-traditional students will be provided clear confirmation of GVSD close date of the semester: This same timeline for completion of courses will also be in place for non-traditional students "outside" courses.
5. Non-traditional students must meet the essential eligibility standards, including the citizenship standard, semesters rule, age rule, etc. as traditional students.
6. If the non-traditional student participates in Band, Orchestra, Choir, Speech, or Debate they must be enrolled in the associated in co-curricular class in order to participate in those activities.
7. All non-traditional students will be held to the same policy and standards as traditional students set forth by GVSD student and activity handbooks.
8. Once enrolled, non-traditional students must enroll in all sequential semesters to maintain eligibility.
*Some programs offered by GVSD are cut sports with a tryout process. Non-traditional students will have every opportunity as traditional students to make teams in cut sports through the tryout process, but no student is guaranteed a spot on any athletic team.