Tuition Benefits

Students who successfully complete the requirements of the A+ Program can be eligible to receive reimbursement for the cost of tuition while attending a Missouri public community college or technical school.

* Funding for the A+ program's tuition reimbursement benefit is dependent upon appropriations from the Missouri General Assembly through the state budgeting process. Grain Valley Schools is not responsible for the payment of A+ tuition or general fees.

  • A+ students are under no obligation to use the A+ tuition benefit. The tuition benefit is earned by each individual student and is not transferable to any other student.
  • Receipt of private scholarships will not affect an A+ participant's eligibility for tuition benefits.
  • Financial need is not a factor in determining A+ eligibility. All students are required to complete the FAFSA, however. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) forms are available in the Guidance Office in January of each school year or online at This form should be submitted by April 15. The A+ Office must be able to confirm completion of this procedure for a student to receive A+ eligibility.
  • Participants will have up to four years from the date of their high school graduation to access their A+ tuition benefits.
  • Students may choose to access the A+ beneift for the summer term immediately following graduation. Students making this choice will be required to complete the previous year's FAFSA.
  • Students who graduate early are not eligible for A+ until after their class graduation ceremony.
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